Saturday, June 20, 2009


To say that I'm working to be a part of the solution versus the problem would be an exaggeration because at this point -I feel like I'm just trying.

My obstacles include unnecessary guilt for having a powerful legacy tripled with massive insecurity and an intensity that inhibits my freedom to reach into my core and pull out my innocence. Truth be told, my innocence/basic nature/inner spirit is fighting with this rigid/uptight outer shell. I’ve become someone I have a hard time hanging out with –so serious, annoyed, bitter, anti-life.

My fairy-like essence would like for nothing more than to frolic in the fields/dive off of cliffs into waterfalls/swim endlessly with dolphins/feel the sand between my toes at every sunrise/ride my horse "smoky" along the shore as the sun sets... and the list goes on.

A reality where a sunrise swim and horseback riding before breakfast; amateur convertible racing and teaching art class for all ages before lunch; working to promote wellness and plant seeds of resilience between noon and 6pm; then back to my high-tech teepee for dinner/cookout with the spirits may alarm some people, but in truth -this carefree lifestyle may be the key to transform my "trying" into sincerely "working" to not only be a part of "the solution", rather to fulfill a higher purpose/discover my happiness.

Stop bitching; start a revolution.
-Wulf Zendik

Where ideas become reality.


A major revelation came the other day as I was presenting to Detroit Public Schools. I realized what perpetuates “stigma” is psychiatry itself. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am. I should flesh this out more, but my basic mentality is that the field of psychiatry is arbitrary. Unless you actively intervene/interfere with brain circuitry/genetic makeup –you can’t predetermine illness nor can you characterize its manifestation. The DSM is a book of fiction, not fact. I’m utterly amazed day in and day out as to why we have evolved to where we are at right now.

I propose we redefine the field and allow for all of those who currently chug along on this train of thought to live on an island and medicate themselves. Meanwhile, perhaps we can create a community of wellness! Do we need advocacy organizations? I’m the first to advocate for those who can’t fight for themselves, but is it efficient and are we helping?

The way I see it, promoting suicide prevention when there’s such a sincere LACK of understanding/resources/follow through/and commitment to those in the dark is similar to my asking them to water a plant, which desperately needs care. Great! Let’s say they water the plant that one time/save them from the brink that one time. Then what? That person still has to “live” with themselves.

Maybe the most efficient way to do this would be for me to recruit ALL those who either have been “officially” diagnosed with “mental illness” across the spectrum of functionality as well as those who are able to self manage without getting the arbitrary field of psychiatry involved i.e. Ted Turner. I collect those people –convince them that this is more complicated than just a label. I guess it’s good to try to define what’s wrong –but maybe more for the caregiver versus the patient? Then again, it depends on the person. Some people revel in being a “patient”. This could take some thinking… not to mention some serious convincing –especially when it comes to those “advocacy” organizations.

*Warning: this is an extreme point of view/people may be offended. Keep in mind that my opinion is based on extensive personal experience and severe disappointment with what's been understood as the status quo.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The struggle to break through.
Finding your faith; a unique mixture of strength, belief, and power.
Embracing the pain; don't fight it.
Surviving adversity one step at a time.



Having the overwhelming need to connect; so close yet so far away.
Failing to meet those I can sincerely relate to.
Wondering where my peace is.
Knowing that I push others away with my intensity.
Believing in something so much greater; having a glimpse of that grace, then poof it’s gone.
Loving the essence of this world and all that it can be; yet disappointed by its evolvement.
Creating a wall around me; keeping others at arm’s length.
Mistrusting intention with the belief that most good intentions pave a way to hell.


Saturday, June 6, 2009


Economy is crashing, companies are failing, families are struggling, wars are raging and people wonder why? One reason could be the lack of accountability and ownership for oneself. Another could be the emphasis placed on money. What are we saying to our kids when our government responds to the economic crisis with “stimulus” money? Or when our defense department has the largest budget, by far over department of health and education combined?

Where are our priorities and do we really know how to problem solve? Answer is –there’s a lack of focus, character, consistency regarding policy and most people take short cuts, grab the band-aid/react to issues versus taking the bull by the horns and using blood, sweat, and tears to discover the actual root/the origin for which a domino effect of catastrophe (similar to what we’re experiencing) comes.

As tough as it is to say given my compassionate nature –failing companies do not deserve a bailout. Short-term, it’s political suicide. Long-term, it makes the most sense. Yes it’s unfair for the little guy to suffer because management was myopic in focus. Yes it sucks when livelihood is lost and people are left to fend for themselves. I argue that we dug this grave ourselves. The industrial revolution pigeon holed people into specific roles –otherwise known as the assembly-line mentality. It’s no wonder today’s layoffs are so devastating!

My question is –why on earth did people think things would stay the same? Should we blame labor unions for their mission to make unrealistic demands and thereby reinforcing the age of entitlement? Why didn’t the unions stand up and fight for their right to alter strategy and I don’t know, maybe look AHEAD into the future when quality of product would ultimately win the customer over?

What’s funny is that those who boasted “buy USA”/rejected outsourcing/protested against foreign-made products are now at the mercy of those “evil” foreigners. The irony is that the “big 3”/American auto industry must rely on the wonders of globalization to make it out of this mess. I don’t know much, but I sense that Toyota had a point when they focused on research and development versus advertising/image -those silly forward-thinking Asians.

Business as usual is over! Reinvent.

american dream.

The ideals of entitlement are extinct. Those who live this life solely for themselves –expecting something from nothing –will soon discover that their time is up. Few people will be able to go under the radar and achieve the type of success that has been “promised” to them.

The term entitlement renders an image of waste. Why? Because those who feel entitled live outside their means/waste resources/depend on credit/do the minimum to “achieve”, then when things falter –the little pointer finger comes out. Blame someone else –the American way.

My thought is that the American dream has been redefined to the point of disgrace. It no longer represents the original dreamers –coming to America with nothing but change in their pockets and more importantly passion in their hearts. The goal wasn’t to own a house with a white picket fence and a snazzy car in the driveway. Far from it –it was to create a better world for both themselves and for generations to come!

Don’t get me wrong, I am intensely proud to be an American/inspired by the legacy of the “dream”! Based on my dad’s journey of vision, I understand the power of opportunity that only this country can offer. Freedom is a gift –a privilege that millions of people in this world will never have the right to have/even imagine. Yet here in America, this “freedom” to create/inspire/empower/love and ultimately serve our fellow woman/man has transformed into a self-centered form of “freedom” –one where Americans use free will/make the choice to base life’s purpose/worth on income/title/status versus contribution to the greater good/work towards a unified goal/something far greater than the “individual”.

shift faced.

We are living in a perfect storm –the winds are changing, energy is shifting –the feeling is palpable. The strongest survive as we face our greatest battle –a fight against ourselves, against the systems we have in place, against the status quo created by man. The age of empowerment is what I like to call this next phase.